The impact of energy on manufacturing operations

Wherever you are on your energy journey towards improving energy efficiency, optimising asset management, improving resilience through microgrid control - Mitsubishi Electric will get you there.

Capacity, cost, carbon reduction and resilience. These are the four key drivers for manufacturers today, each having a major impact on how, when and why a site operates.Striking a balance between these points can be difficult, especially as the energy market is subject to volatility and unforeseen change. This makes it critical to adopt the right tools. Mitsubishi Electric offers a wide range of solutions regardless of where you are on your digital journey, giving you the power to make more informed decisions based on evidence-based insights.

Whether you’re just starting your digital journey or looking to implement an existing strategy, we are able to guide your business so it can use energy more effectively.Need to get started?

  • Looking for energy efficiency equipment?
  • Want to better understand your asset energy consumption?
  • Looking to optimise your energy consumption?
  • Looking to improve energy resilience and security by moving partially off grid? 

From individual assets to multi-site operations, Mitsubishi Electric has a suite of powerful tools to transform your production processes.

Energy efficiency

Are you looking to improve your site energy performance by making use of more energy efficient equipment?

In an age of increasing electrification, it’s critical for a business to make the best use of the energy it consumes. This is especially important for intensive industries, such as manufacturing, where even minor improvements to an energy strategy can have a major impact on performance.
Mitsubishi Electric’s range of automation equipment including inverters and servos can help drive energy efficiency across many different manufacturing processes. 

Energy management

Do you find it difficult to understand how your assets, equipment and buildings use energy? Is this uncertainty making your business less competitive?

It’s a common challenge that holds back Industry 4.0 initiatives despite many recognising the power of digitalisation. It’s not so much acquiring the data but knowing what to do with it.
Mitsubishi Electric’s ICONICS Suite software gives your team full clarity when monitoring, analysing and improving energy performance across a single site or entire portfolio. Turning data into meaningful insights concerning your energy consumption.

Microgrid management

Our energy infrastructure is moving from a traditional producer-to-consumer model towards the use of smaller-scale renewable resources over interconnected smart grids. Mitsubishi Electric and ICONICS provide solutions that can be used to manage the modern smart grid including:

  • Integration of renewable assets
  • Real-time energy consumption reporting
  • Virtual power plant management
  • ‘Prosumer’ management (energy trading)
  • Battery Energy Storage Solutions (BESS)

Mitsubishi Electric's sustainability vision

Energy is a major aspect of sustainable business and we recognise the role technology can play for improving its use across industry. Our work is informed by a 2050 vision. Across the entire value chain, we’re using technology to tackle carbon emissions, improve resource circulation and promote biodiversity.

Energy saving strategies and solutions