Supporting full connectivity to Mitsubishi Electric industrial automation devices with OPC server software

Takebishi Corporation Japan develops and provides software solutions for industrial automation and IoT applications. The company is a member of the OPC Foundation.

Takebishi DeviceXPlorer OPC server software provides industrial connectivity with controllers used in the manufacturing industry. It works as communication middleware for SCADA and ERP/MES systems, for connecting Mitsubishi Electric PLC’s, CNC’s and robots.

Advantages of DeviceXPlorer OPC server

  • Easy connectivity to Mitsubishi Electric controller devices with full OPC / OPC-UA functionality
  • High performance data transfer to guarantee a transfer rate of 30.000 words / sec.
  • Supports industry standard SCADA environments with OPC client communication
  • Supports other open protocols and communication standards
  • Flexibility with integrated interpreter language “Lua“, also supports scripts for data processing and data transfer.
  • Real-time data tracking from the controllers with optional DxpLOGGER for historical data and to create alarms, trends and graphs.

Advantages of Takebishi OPC server with Mitsubishi Electric controllers

In partnership with Mitsubishi Electric, Takebishi has developed an OPC server to establish high performance communication between industrial software or devices and Mitsubishi Electric controllers.

This supports development of applications

  • Cost saving engineering with simple and fast software setup routines
  • No prior programming knowledge required to use the software OPC server with Mitsubishi Electric controllers
  • Support of MELSEC controller multi-CPU communication
  • Direct access to intelligent MELSEC controller function module

Today’s increasing industrial quality requirements means a much higher need for reliable data, tracking and data exchange between devices. In the industrial sector, this need is supported by the flexible Takebishi DeviceXPlorer.

Takebishi Europe