Easily cut energy use and running costs at your quarry

Are you looking to cut energy use and running costs at your quarry or aggregate processing plant? Or considering cost-effective ways to drive sustainability within your operations?

The aggregates and quarrying industry is an energy hungry process and Mitsubishi Electric’s energy saving solutions are designed to optimise power consumption and provide you with total visibility of your energy hot spots, allowing energy saving strategies to be deployed on plant, increasing your profitability whilst reducing your carbon footprint.
By equipping the motors that drive your bulk conveyors and pumps, amongst other equipment, with frequency inverters and smart energy monitoring and analytical solutions, you can quickly optimise your plant’s energy use. Becoming a competitive business with green credentials is within reach!

Looking to dig deeper to find energy efficiencies?

Wasted and inefficient use of energy has a significant impact on profitability and environmental performance. A structured approach to energy management helps you maximum uptime, achieve peak efficiency, and improve competitiveness.
Implementing energy saving and monitoring solutions will enable you to boost the efficiency and reliability of your assets and operations, which improves productivity and reduces energy costs. The process of collecting, analysing, and presenting energy data plays a crucial role in evaluating energy performance and identifying areas for improvement. By harnessing the power of your data, you can measure energy consumption and monitor costs but also pinpoint opportunities to increase efficiency, resulting in reduced consumption, cost savings, and a more sustainable operation.
Let’s explore how implementing the right energy saving solutions can help you to unlock efficiency and operational improvements:


The aggregates and quarrying industry is an energy hungry process. Crushers, pumps and bulk handling conveyors come with large motors which are heavy energy consumers, if no remedial action is taken. There is a growing need to reduce emissions from energy consumption, both from legislation and the community, highlighting the need for a dynamic and performance-based approach to energy monitoring. Accurately tracking energy consumption and emissions will drive down costs and reduce your carbon footprint. This happens in both mining and aggregates processing plants.
Traditional energy audits may not always provide a comprehensive understanding of energy usage due to the diversity of machines and technologies used. That's where specialised energy monitoring solutions can help.
The real impact of energy consumption in aggregates processing: take a closer look with this example of a 55kW Lagoon Pump:

  • Operates for 9 hours daily, 5 days a week, for 50 weeks annually
  • Consumes 132,353 kWh of energy at 0.27€ per kWh
  • Produces 93 tonnes of CO2 equivalents
  • Average energy cost: 35,678.97€

Are you aware fully aware of your energy consumption?

Energy saving solution

Mitsubishi Electric’s energy saving solutions will increase your profitability whilst reducing your carbon footprint as they are designed to optimise power consumption and provide you with total visibility of your energy hot spots. Energy saving strategies are deployed throughout your plant. Solutions range from equipping the motors that drive your bulk conveyors and pumps, with frequency inverters, to total smart energy monitoring and analytical solutions. By implementing these solutions at device and enterprise levels you can quickly optimise your plant’s energy efficiency, saving costs. These solutions can be deployed in stages, perhaps solving the worst hot spots in phase one and moving towards your ultimate energy model as and when budget is available or as you see return on investment (ROI) for each phase.

Let’s consider the impact of fitting an energy efficient frequency inverter to the lagoon pump in our previous example:
The difference a Mitsubishi Electric frequency inverter from the FR-800 series can make by decreasing the pump speed by 10% is significant. With this technology, it is possible to achieve the following benefits:

  • Save 32,884 kWh of energy
  • Reduce carbon footprint by 23 tonnes of CO2 equivalents
  • Increase pumping equipment lifespan
  • Improve motor control
  • Receive full payback in less than one year

Implementing data-driven solutions designed to optimise your overall energy consumption can increase profitability whilst decreasing emissions. At the same time, these can help to improve the sustainability and competitiveness of your operation.
The adoption of Mitsubishi Electric's energy-saving and monitoring solutions, combined with advanced data-driven automation technologies, helps you to optimise energy usage and reduce your environmental footprint.

Advanced energy savings and monitoring of plant assets can provide:

  • Enhanced energy efficiency and cost savings
  • Real-time monitoring and tracking of key assets
  • Intuitive data visualisation for rapid decision-making
  • Improved compliance with industry regulations
  • Increased profitability
  • Reduced carbon footprint

Explore the latest insights on Energy saving

Energy saving and production security in quarries

Read how Mitsubishi Electric energy saving solution can optimize quarries and mines.

How to achieve energy saving with inverter

You might also be interested in our webinars about energy management optimisation

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Smart Infrastructure Solutions

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Join us as we look at the new standard, how it differs from G5-4 and how it affects new / existing installations.
Are you aware that G5-5 is a site standard and not a product standard? And as little as 30Kw of none linear load could make your entire site none compliant.
We will be covering the standard as well as what services and products we can offer to make your site compliant.

Smart Manufacturing for SMEs and Existing Plant

It is clear that the road to digital manufacturing offers so many productivity and efficiency benefits, so how can Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs)or existing established manufacturing plants get established on this path?
Mitsubishi Electric will take an holistic view of the complete process, show how it is possible, with a clear vision of success, to implement this journey in smaller manageable steps, honing in on the needs and aspirations of the manufacturer and producing a staged approach which delivers return on investment along the way.

The road to digitalisation can start with small steps!

Product Line-up
